CEF reaches children where they are.
CEF® works with local churches and individuals to lead Clubs in communities across South Dakota.
We train and equip teams of volunteers to serve effectively in sharing the Gospel and discipling children.
Ministries for KIDS
Good News Club® and 5-Day Club ®, Camp Good News®, Outreach Events, and U-NITE TV® and other digital ministries serve children between the ages of five and twelve, regardless of religious background and with no charge to attend. Our programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children on their level in their environment, including their schools. When we help children understand the Gospel and come to know Jesus, we’re equipping them with Godly principles, instilling them with life-changing hope, and encouraging them to grow in their faith by attending local churches.
Camp Good News is a non-denominational overnight camp centered on the Gospel of Christ for kids going into 1st grade to 7th grade. For five days, campers participate in Bible lessons, missionary focuses, scripture memorization, swimming, craft time, field games, water balloons, delicious food, and much more!
On U-nite Kids, TV, and Radio apps, God’s Word is shared in a fun, engaging way to help children understand and apply biblical truths to their lives.
Here is an opportunity to reach children of your neighborhood any time of year! This fun-filled one and a half hour one-time event will draw even the most hard-to-reach child with games, songs, treats and a Bible story.
Whether season or themed, families flock to fairs, festivals and community events of all kinds! Through face-painting and Gospel shares children and their families, who may not otherwise have the opportunity, get to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Ministries for TEENS and TWEENS
Winter Quest and Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) provide opportunities for kids ages 12-20 to grow and live out their faith. CYIA is a program designed to train young people in effective and engaging ways to teach children about God to return to their local community and teach 5-Day Clubs. Components of this club include teaching a Bible lesson, a real-life missionary story and a Bible verse as well as leading songs, games and a fun review time.
Middle school, high school and college age students from around South Dakota are coming together to lead dynamic summer Bible Clubs for kids!
Training for Children's Leaders
We train and equip teams of volunteers to serve effectively in sharing the Gospel and discipling children. Training Christians effectively has been core to our ministry since it was founded in 1937. Training is offered throughout the USA and around the world through seminars, conferences and formal courses. In South Dakota, we train Good News Club volunteers, summer ministry teams and children’s church workers to confidently conduct ministry.
CEF® works with local partnering churches to offer training to their Sunday School teachers and other children's workers. Our highly qualified instructors work to customize a training solution to encourage teachers and help them be more effective in their ministry using their existing curriculum.
One of the best ways to reach as many children as possible is through group ministry, where a small number of trained volunteers can reach a large number of children.
CEF uses this approach with club ministries in schools and neighborhoods.

Did You Know?
CEF is involved in communities through partnerships with local churches and families. We would love to teach a 5-Day Club, train adults to teach, or partner with you to reach your community. Connect with Glenda at 605.352.8311 or [email protected] to schedule or find an activity in your area!

Contact Us!
Mailing Address:
CEF of South Dakota
P.O. Box 627
Huron, S.D. 57350
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 605-352-8311