Mailbox Club
Mailbox Club lessons are Christ-centered, teaching children the great truths of scripture.

The Mailbox Club® (MBC) presents the Gospel to children in a way they can understand. Each child is encouraged to come to saving faith in Jesus. Subsequent lessons help disciple the child into deeper spiritual maturity and involvement in a local church. Our goal goes beyond salvation but to develop disciples who can reproduce themselves spiritually in others.
The MBC is offering Bibles, REALLY NICE BIBLES, to students who complete two series of lessons and are seven years old. The Bibles will have the students' names embossed in gold on the leather look cover.
With every lesson a small prayer request form is included. We have received many prayer requests. Some are very sad. Some requests are cute.
Prayer Request Examples:
- Have you ever prayed for a cat’s ear? (OK now don’t over react. I am sure the cat’s ear problems were very important for that little girl and that little girl is important to Jesus. Most requests are for health, salvation, friends, and safety. What is scary is when we are asked for advice.)
- A seven-year-old boy asks for prayer for Mary*. “I love her.”
Mailing Address:
Mailbox Club
P.O. Box 193
Huron, S.D. 57350
Volunteer Director: Gary Jones
Email: [email protected]
Some of the places we mail lessons to: