Child Evangelism Fellowship of South Dakota
It is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
Matthew 18:14 ESV
Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) is an international, Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.
The Vision

CEF was founded in 1937 by Rev. J Irvin Overholtzer, a man with a God-given vision that children at a young age were looking for hope found in Jesus. Today Mr. O's vision lives on as CEF ministries disciple children in the Word of God, so that they can "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." This in turn builds character, and promotes moral and spiritual growth that has a positive impact in their personal and home life, school performance and decision making skills. CEF ministries include a clear presentation of the Gospel and give an opportunity for children to trust in Jesus as Savior.
The Ministries
Wherever the children are, we will go
CEF has many ministries including Good News Club® and 5-Day Club®, Camp Good News®, outreach events, and U-NITE TV® and other digital ministries. These ministries serve children between the ages of five and twelve, regardless of religious background and with no charge to attend.
Our flagship ministries, Good News Clubs and 5-Day Clubs, take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centers all over the world. These fast-paced 60-90 minute programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children at their level in their environment. The safety of every child is of utmost importance. All Club volunteers are carefully screened and trained as required by the Child Protection Policy.
CEF works with local churches and individuals to lead Clubs in communities across South Dakota. We train and equip teams of volunteers to serve effectively in sharing the Gospel and discipling children. Training Christians Effectively™ (TCE™) has been core to our ministry since it was founded in 1937. Training is offered throughout the USA and around the world through seminars, conferences and formal courses. In South Dakota, we train Good News Club volunteers, summer ministry teams and children’s church workers to confidently conduct ministry.
CEF Press® produces and distributes Bible and missionary lessons and related material for use in teaching children. Teaching materials are available to the public at
Good News Clubs were held
worldwide in 2023
Children were reached
through direct ministry in 2023
Professions of faith in Jesus were made globally in 2023 through CEF ministries
Our Impact
At Child Evangelism Fellowship, we are committed to reaching and positively impacting children across the state and around the world. Our programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children on their level in their environment, including their schools. When we help children understand the Gospel and come to know Jesus, we’re equipping them with Godly principles, instilling them with life-changing hope, and encouraging them to grow in their faith by attending local churches.
Last year in South Dakota
Children attended
Good News Clubs
Children participated
in 5-Day Clubs
Teens 5 trained at
CYIA to lead 5-Day Clubs
Gospel shares with children
at Fairs & Special Events
Children are the future, and as Christians, we’re called to introduce them to the incredible news of Jesus Christ.
Connecting with Schools
There are more than 460 public elementary schools in South Dakota. We have the opportunity to host after school Good News Clubs and share the love of Jesus in the public schools. Currently, CEF is in 28 of the South Dakota Public Elementary Schools. We are calling followers of Jesus and churches across the state to adopt their community school. There is much work yet to be done to take the Gospel to every elementary school in South Dakota!
Make a Difference. Adopt a School with a Team.
Our South Dakota Team
CEF has work going on in nearly every country around the globe and in every state in the USA. The USA mission is to "enlist, equip, and encourage a team of qualified leaders who will effectively fulfill the purpose of CEF, expanding the work throughout the USA." With the USA mission in mind, we wish to do the same in South Dakota - taking the message of Jesus to every corner of South Dakota. In addition to the State Office, CEF of South Dakota is divided up into four Chapters: the Black Hills Area, the Lewis and Clark Area, the Great Plains Area and the Sioux Falls Area. We are committed to raising up godly leaders at all levels and employing strategies that will meet the needs of those we serve.
Partnering with the Local Church
Together, we help recruit volunteers and equip your church to share the love of Christ with the children in your community – in neighborhoods, schools, parks – wherever the children are, we will go. Churches around the world are ministering to children through Good News Clubs in schools, 5-Day Clubs in neighborhood backyards and raising teens in CYIA missions. CEF offers church partners training, ministry tools and resources, strategic plans, support and mentoring. As sponsoring churches, they are equipped to share the Gospel and teach the Bible to school children and extend biblical influence to families and their local community. With a team of 3-5 people, the families of your church have an opportunity to:
- Evangelize and disciple the children in your local neighborhood
- Expand your outreach and youth ministry within your community
- Minister to the families of the children in a variety of ways
- Connect students and their whole family to your local church
- Make an impact on the next generation for Christ
CEF is ready to partner with Bible-believing churches to multiply their reach in sharing the gospel of Jesus in their local community and neighborhoods.
I’m happy to recommend the work of Child Evangelism Fellowship to parents and churches everywhere. I encourage you to learn more and get involved with this great organization.
Contact Us!
Mailing Address:
CEF of South Dakota
P.O. Box 627
Huron, S.D. 57350
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 605-352-8311