5-Day Clubs
Dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, meaningful songs, and life-changing Scripture memorization
5-Day Clubs are great summer option to get the neighborhood kids together! You can have a 5-Day Club in your own backyard, church parking lot, park or community center. Children gather to hear Bible stories, sing songs, learn Bible verses, listen to a missionary story, and play games. These 1 1/2 hour Clubs are led by our trained and screened CEF® summer teen missionaries who have attended our a summer training program, Christian Youth In Action®.
As a host, you provide a location for the club and invite neighborhood children and friends ages 5-12. If possible, provide a simple snack for the children. Parents are welcome to attend with their children as well. Many times local churches co-sponsor the Club as an effective outreach.
If you’d love to host a club, contact your local Chapter! We’re committed to providing an engaging, high-quality Club where the Good News of Jesus is clear to children, teen volunteers are prepared and equipped to fulfill their roles with excellence, and Jesus Christ is glorified!